Baine Craft
Professor of Psychology and Biology; Chair of Undergraduate Psychology; Director of Laboratory Facilities
Phone: 206-281-2182
Office: Marston 111
Education: BS, Mississippi College, 2001; MA, University of Montana, 2004; PhD, University of Montana, 2005. At SPU since 2006.
Dr. Baine Craft holds a joint appointment as a faculty member in the School of Psychology, Family, and Community and in the Biology Department at Seattle Pacific University. In addition, he is the primary investigator in SPU’s Learning and Cognition Lab.
Trained in the area of comparative animal behavior, learning, and cognition, Dr. Craft works alongside student research assistants in the Learning and Cognition Lab to study choice-or-foraging behavior. His work focuses on two areas of choice behavior: risk-sensitive foraging and self-control. In particular, he is interested in how factors such as learning, delay to reward, and patch quality cause a forager to develop a specific choice bias or change choices.
Dr. Craft teaches courses in Psychology as Vocation, Learning and Behavior, Cognitive Psychology, Statistics, and Animal Behavior.
Selected publications
Craft, B. B., Church, A. C., Rohrbach, C. M. & Bennett, J. C. (2011). The effects of reward quality on risk-senstivity in Rattus norvegicus. Behavioural Processes, 88, 44–46.
Craft, B. B., Szalda-Petree, A. D., Brenniger, J., & Haddad, N. F. (2007). The effects of discriminative stimuli on choice behavior in male Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens). Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104, 575–580.
Please view Dr. Craft’s CV (PDF) for additional publications.